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JS Functions Function Definitions Function Parameters Function Invocation Function Call Function Apply Function Bind Function Closures In the while loop statement, the test condition evaluates first before the loop body executes. It is the same as a while loop, except that it executes the body of the loop first and then evaluates the loop continuation condition. The existence of loops in programming makes it easy to accomplish repetitive tasks very quickly and with a minimum of code. A loop is used any time that the same task must be repeated.
While loop java code#
This loop will execute the code block once, before checking if the condition is true, then it willrepeat the loop as long as the condition is true. JS Objects Object Definitions Object Properties Object Methods Object Display Object Accessors Object Constructors Object Prototypes Object Iterables Object Sets Object Maps Object Reference Do While Loop in Java Example Program A do-while loop in Java is a variant form of while loop. The Do-While Loop in Java Udemy Editor Share this article A common structure in programming is the loop. The do/while loop is a variant of the whileloop. JS Versions JS Versions JS 2009 (ES5) JS 2015 (ES6) JS 2016 JS 2017 JS 2018 JS 2019 JS 2020 JS 2021/2022 JS IE / Edge JS History The while-loop provides Java users with the ability to execute any number of statements as long as a previously defined condition is true.

the second print statement is unreachable because the while loop is an infinite while loop (a
In the above code, the first print statement is inside the while loop while the second print statement is outside the while loop.

The loop's Boolean-expression is evaluated before the first iteration of the loop which means that if the condition is evaluated to false, the loop might not run even once. It repeats a statement or a block of statements while its controlling Boolean-expression is true. While loop syntax in java is given below while (condition) we can take only one statement under the while loop, that statement should not declarative statement. The while loop is Java's most fundamental loop statement.