The reason that all your drawings show phase A connected to particular terminal is because the synchronizing pot is permanently wired to a given phase and it always synchronizes to that phase.
Generator one line diagram generator#
The three phase generator can be sychronized with T1 connected to A B or C as long as the remaining two phases follow the proper sequence. One Line Diagram - Symbols two-winding transformer current transformer two-winding transformer generator bus voltage transformer capacitor circuit breaker. The labeling T1 T2 T3 will not tell you where ABC is located it only tells you the sequence in which the phases appear, there are only two. Generally, a power generator connects to the main grid of powerlines at 115,000. Don't try to make these two concepts into one, the phasor diagram will not tell you which direction the rotor turns, only the resulting electrical phasors when it turns in the direction intended by the manufacturer. On the other hand, phasor diagrams are always shown with the phasors rotating counterclockwise. Bold lines denote the power circuit and thin lines are. Wilson pointed out, to be meaningful, the direction of rotation of the rotor of the generator has to be referenced to one end or the other. shown, this type of diagram is helpful when wiring the device or tracing wires when troubleshooting. Without seeing your drawing, you may be looking at a phasor diagram which is always shown on the nameplate of modern transformers and generators. Line 1 and line 2 have reactance of 48.4 Q and 65. The three-phase load at bus 4 absorbs 57 MVA, 0.6 power factor lagging at 10.45 kV. Draw an impedance diagram with all impedance marked in pu. Electrical elements such as circuit breakers, transformers, capacitors, bus bars, and. Select a common base of 100 MVA and 22 kV on the generator side. In impedance diagram, each component is represented by its equivalent circuit, e.g., the synchronous generator at the generating station by a voltage source in. The one-line diagram has its largest application in power flow studies.

The term "rotation" is somwhat of a misnomer. The one-line diagram of a three-phase power system is shown in Figure 1.